Alcohol Italian Society of Alcoholics Amp039 favors Cancer Unacceptable Virology Controversy amp039
Rome, January 23, (Adnkronos Salute) - Alcoholic beverages, including wine, beer, and spirits, contain the chemicals ethanol and acetaldehyde, which are known to promote cancer. Due to their ethical and deontological obligations, doctors are required to follow the scientific evidence, so it is unacceptable that they are involved in the debate over the effects of alcohol consumption.
Thus, Gianni Testino, national president of the Italian Society of Alcohol (SIA), refers back to the most recent dispute between virologists, who have recently quarrelled over the nectar of the gods. the contentious irish law that compares alcohol to tobacco and mandates the placement of warning labels on all bottles, including wine bottles, regarding potential health risks.
"An irresponsible protest from producers and politicians of all stripes has broken out in response to the Ireland's initiative. Although it is normal for the economy to take precedence over health, Testino emphasizes that the dispute between two virologists is unacceptable because "we cannot invoke scientific evidence on and off." He is alluding to the conflict between immunologist antonella viola and Matteo Bassetti, director of infectious diseases at the san martino hospital in Genoa.
"Science, according to the expert, indicates that vaccines are helpful and essential for combating COVID-19 and also indicates that ethanol, the psychoactive compound at the core of wine, beer, and spirits, is a carcinogen and as such is included in Group 1 carcinogens. There are 120 substances or molecules that are mentioned in this group and they all have a "certain causal relationship with cancer.".
For instance, asbestos and cigarette smoke fall under this category. More cancers are caused by ethanol than by pollution, but ethanol can be produced without contributing to pollution.
The outcome depends on the dose. In a statement, Testino requests that "manufacturers also indicate on the labels the quantity of free acetaldehyde which is more or less present in all alcoholic beverages." Testino is speaking on behalf of the Italian Alcohol Society.
The product is more carcinogenic the more there is of it. Additionally, it is a good idea to "stop equating alcohol consumption with the health of particular organs, such as the heart," as Testino is keen to emphasize.
With the same dosages, it does not provide any benefits, but it favors cancer and 200 additional diseases. Contrary to what some may claim, this is not censorship or prohibitionism; rather, it is basic and essential information about a product that millions of people use.
For these reasons, he claims, "we have a duty to reduce its consumption as much as possible, not by forbidding its sale, but rather through the 'information. Children must already be aware of this message, which is incorporated into a larger framework of education in appropriate lifestyles, so that future generations will become more aware.
"Science, according to the expert, indicates that vaccines are helpful and essential for combating COVID-19 and also indicates that ethanol, the psychoactive compound at the core of wine, beer, and spirits, is a carcinogen and as such is included in Group 1 carcinogens.
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