Does The New Chatgpt Reality Hold An Unexpected Cybersecurity Threat?
What ChatGPT means for business, what we need to do to protect ourselves, and how artificial intelligence is changing the digital world, commented Boris Goncharov, Chief Strategy Officer of the leading cyber security company AMATAS AMATAS is part of Ocean Investments - an investment holding whose business direction is focused on conceptual phase startups in the field of cyber security, digital health and innovation and whose goal is to have a positive global impact on the Bulgarian entrepreneurial ecosystem.
One hundred million users in less than two months, an existential threat to Google, ubiquitous digital euphoria mixed with fears about the future workplace Obviously, another technological "revolution" is happening, which will affect everything and everyone.
Of course, the main culprit behind this viral sensation is ChatGPT, OpenIA's generative artificial intelligence, which has the potential to finally enable us to "talk" humanly to the Internet without looking like a weird linguistic experiment created by yet another deranged tech genius from The Silicon Valley After a global audience casually enjoyed the capabilities of ChatGPT, somewhere among the exclamations of "this responds like a human" there were some anxious thoughts that somehow naturally formed the nagging question: "Is this a security threat?" The need for a meaningful response was further reinforced by Microsoft's announcement of the new Bing integrated with ChatGPT, as well as the sudden appearance of Bard, Google's hasty response that made everyone realize that soon internet searches will change forever.
With a certain sense of déjà vu and urges for edifying outbursts, the cyber security expert community has urgently begun trying to clarify what risks the widespread use of artificial intelligence, based on a language model fed by some 300 billion words and phrases, brings with it , systematically extracted from the Internet, including sensitive business information and personal data Quite logically and expectedly for this kind of technology, ChatGPT turns out to be quite adept at social engineering, especially at generating convincing-looking phishing emails and chat messages.
And while this does not sound like something unfamiliar and scary, it should be noted that the possibility of realistic dynamic interaction multiplies exponentially the possible sources of attack, easily overcoming language barriers and the lack of knowledge about the specifics of the speech To create additional suspense and worry for users, cyber security experts have been able to demonstrate how easily malicious code can be generated using ChatGPT, which at first glance seems startling, but a little closer look at the WHAT IF scenario makes it clear, that this action in itself is a small part of the cyber attack life cycle, and "serious" attackers are far from needing the assistance of ChatGPT to get their work done.
Off the topic of how we can "hack" using ChatGPT naturally arose the question of how it and other chatbots like it could be attacked, with the main concern coming from the so-called Prompt Injection, or Prompt Hacking attack, which is generally the introduction of misleading or malicious input into the relevant AI's prompt in order to reveal information that should be hidden from the user, or to provoke behavior that is unexpected or prohibited.
Naturally, the cyber security voices urging everyone to be very careful with ChatGPT is a little late and unlikely to change anything at this stage, but at least it can serve as a starting point for understanding the dynamic nature of cyber risks and how to deal with them ChatGPT will not tell us anything new, the basic principles regarding cyber security remain the same.
which is unexpected or forbidden Naturally, the cyber security voices urging everyone to be very careful with ChatGPT is a little late and unlikely to change anything at this stage, but at least it can serve as a starting point for understanding the dynamic nature of cyber risks and how to deal with them.
ChatGPT will not tell us anything new, the basic principles regarding cyber security remain the same which is unexpected or forbidden.
Naturally, the cyber security voices urging everyone to be very careful with ChatGPT is a little late and unlikely to change anything at this stage, but at least it can serve as a starting point for understanding the dynamic nature of cyber risks and how to deal with them ChatGPT will not tell us anything new, the basic principles regarding cyber security remain the same.
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