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Visit Salvini In Latina Acampora Amp039Started Constructive Dialogueamp039

engineer antonio mallamo

Rome has 24 gems. (Adnkronos) - "My hope is that this significant occasion that has brought us all together here today can begin a new chapter to begin a constructive dialogue on an issue like that of infrastructures, whose efficient planning is an undeniable factor of competitiveness that it affects everyone: citizens, workers, and those who do business in our territories.

This was said by Matteo Salvini, the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, and Giovanni Acampora, the President of the Frosinone-Latina Chamber of Commerce, as they welcomed attendees to the meeting they would be leading this afternoon at the Pontine headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. The Hon. Claudio Durigon, Undersecretary of State for Labor and Social Policies, and other participants at the table discussed various issues.

The MEP Honorable Giovanna Miele. Mr. Matthew Adinolfi.

Less than 24 hours after the agreement with the Lazio Region, an appointment was made regarding the engineer Antonio Mallamo, who will be recommended for the position of Extraordinary Commissioner for the Rome-Latina connection at the following Council of Ministers. But also a few hours after the dicastery headed by the league secretary announced that money would be released for the Cisterna-Valmontone.

Present were His Excellency the Prefect of Latina, Maurizio Falco, as well as the Extraordinary Commissioner of the Municipality of Latina, Carmine Valente, and Dr. Raffaele Gargiulo, Quaestor of the Province of Latina, who welcomed the Minister on behalf of the city. Also present were representatives from trade associations and labor unions, the MOF, which was led by President Bernardino Quattrociocchi and Chief Executive Officer Enzo Adde. We anticipate that this new path will result in a significant change in the way things are done thanks to Miele and the deputy Ottaviani, who has envisioned the creation of an Extraordinary Commissioner.

The agreement on the engineer Antonio Mallamo, a former commissioner for the Cisterna-Valmontone, who will be recommended for appointment to the upcoming Council of Ministers, was reached yesterday, President Acampora continued. We also welcomed the news that a memorandum of understanding had been signed, paving the way for the money to be released and allowing the construction sites for Cisterna and Valmontone to finally open, with great satisfaction.

I want to emphasize how important the Cisterna-Valmontone project, which will soon begin construction, and the Rome-Latina connection are to the region's mobility. Both projects are urgent and cannot be delayed. He emphasizes that when it comes to the provinces of Frosinone and Latina, "we are talking about a significant economic dimension that has ample growth potential, and logistics and infrastructures are among the key factors that enable development, provided that the choices take into account the needs of businesses and residents.

Let me clarify, however, that the strengthening of the infrastructures linking the provinces of Frosinone and Latina as well as the Pedemontana di Formia and the Fondi-Ceprano for connecting the Mof to the highway deserve equal attention. Works that must be positioned in a regional context of traffic patterns for people and goods that imposes a functional planning framework for all territories and aims to rebalance the various modes of transportation.

The Chambers of Commerce can contribute significantly to defining the framework of infrastructure interventions to be implemented based on requests from the business world, as is being done by Unioncamere through President Andrea Prete, when it comes to infrastructures. The white paper on Lazio's infrastructure priorities and the study done for the provinces of Latina and Frosinone were delivered to Minister Salvini by President Acampora at that point. "The dossiers offer a detailed picture of the tangible and intangible infrastructures considered priorities by businesses in our region and at the local level, with evidence of the critical current mobility system which, in t he case of Latina and Frosinone, is a key component of the regional economy," said President A.

I appreciate you, underlined Salvini, "for the dossier that I take "free" as counsel for the "Mit," as I have seen it to be thoroughly documented. Local governments, territories, and categories should start sending in their contributions right away.

We have 60 billion euros between Pnrr and supplementary funds to the Ministry, and the intention is that they do not stay on paper. It will be simpler to work, quicker, and less bureaucratic if a new public contracts code is in place by March 31.

Some may worry that quicker construction sites and faster procurement will result in less transparency, but in my opinion the opposite is true. Efficiency is equated with speed because it ensures transparency.

The minister continues, "Much more has been done. There are more dossiers from these three months than just Latina and Frosinone. However, in regards to the statistics of your provinces, I read a little bit of press reviews and came across articles stating that construction sites began operating in 2010 and ended in 2016 or 2017. I fully comprehend why there may be mistrust now, after all these years.

However, I believe that the years that lie ahead will mark a true relaunch. According to the major events planned, the next five to seven years could be a real motivator.

To ensure that the Pnrr funds are used wisely, MIT has a responsibility to pay attention to the territories and communities. There are various priorities, and discussions are fine, but eventually, the word "end" must be used, and action must be taken.

I would say that there has been a wide-ranging, protracted, and democratic discussion of Roma Latina and Cisterna Valmontone. Let's move forward now, at least in my opinion.

To officially open the construction sites, I will return the following time with the Commissioners. Even though it will then be necessary to advance and consider the following priorities, what is already prepared needs to be set up.

Salvini concluded by praising President Acampora for the initiative that resulted in the unification of the Frosinone and Latina Chambers of Commerce into a single chamber. presented the information to Minister Salvini, who carefully recorded the inputs and responded with the knowledge he had: "There are many requests; let's set priorities.

Everything that is required will be done.

He emphasizes that when it comes to the provinces of Frosinone and Latina, "we are talking about a significant economic dimension that has ample growth potential, and logistics and infrastructures are among the key factors that enable development, provided that the choices take into account the needs of businesses and residents.

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