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Pollution In Vipiteno A New Monitoring Station Encouraging Data On Nitrogen Dioxide Pusteria Gardena Badia South Tyrol

alta valle isarco

BOLZANO. -Last December, an air quality measurement campaign was also started in the municipality of Vipiteno as a result of the placement of a monitoring station in via Santa Margherita by the provincial agency for environment and climate protection.

In the past, this survey location had housed a measuring station, which was later shut down in 2017 because there had not been a simultaneous exceeding of the national and European limit values. The councilor for the environment and energy Giuliano Vettorato emphasizes that he was very interested in seeing this new measuring station installed in Vipiteno "following the request of the Municipality, which provides us with an updated picture of the current state of air quality and its evolution in Alta Valle Isarco.".

The knowledgeable councilor cites this as "a practical and common sense measure, helpful for citizenship.". "The data collected by the station are published in real time on the environment portal and are very helpful both to allow the Agency to carry out the necessary technical assessments on air pollution and to give immediate and concrete answers to the doubts and concerns of citizens and citizens of Vipiteno on the current state of the air," according to the statement.

A variety of pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, fine particles, and ozone, are measured to determine the quality of the air on an annual basis. Reduction in the average concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Fine dust (PM10 and PM2, 5) is primarily caused by combustion processes, particularly domestic combustion, and ozone (O2) is a typical summertime secondary pollutant. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a gas that is primarily caused by emissions from vehicular traffic, especially diesel vehicles.

According to Luca Verdi, director of the Air Analysis and Radioprotection Laboratory of the provincial agency for the environment and climate protection, "Since last December, when the new cabin was installed, these pollutants have also been measured again in Vipiteno.". "We can see a decrease in the average concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) when comparing the data for this brief period, which spans from the beginning of December to the middle of January, with the data from the same interval (December-January) for the years 2014-2017.

Not only in Vipiteno, but also throughout the rest of the province, is this upward trend in development visible. It is necessary to gather additional information in order to make a scientifically more reliable assessment.

"The installation of the monitoring station was vehemently requested by the city council and the mayor of Vipiteno, Peter Volgger, who expressed his satisfaction. "I am delighted that the Province of Bolzano, through the Provincial Agency for the Environment, has acceded to the request to reposition the measuring station in via Santa Margherita, in the same location where it had been previously present until 2017.

Having access to real-time information on the air quality in Vipiteno and, more broadly, in alta valle isarco presents a significant opportunity for both the town's residents and those of us in positions of political decision-making, including the possibility of implementing more environmentally friendly lifestyle choices. Real-time data from the air quality monitoring network is provided by the provincial agency for environment and climate protection, which primarily uses a network of measurement stations spread out across the province to keep track of air quality.

Oswald Vigl, a technician in the Air Analysis and Radiation Protection Laboratory, explains that the data on the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, fine particles, and ozone are available from the air quality monitoring network for every hour of the day throughout the entire year. "The environmental portal of the Province now allows users to consult the data gathered by all measuring stations, including that at Vipiteno, in real time.

real-time information The network of measurement stations spread out across the province is the main method used by the provincial agency for the environment and climate protection to monitor air quality. Oswald Vigl, a technician in the Air Analysis and Radiation Protection Laboratory, explains that the data on the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, fine particles, and ozone are available from the air quality monitoring network for every hour of the day throughout the entire year.

"The environmental portal of the Province now allows users to consult the data gathered by all measuring stations, including that at Vipiteno, in real time. real-time information The network of measurement stations spread out across the province is the main method used by the provincial agency for the environment and climate protection to monitor air quality.

Oswald Vigl, a technician in the Air Analysis and Radiation Protection Laboratory, explains that the data on the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, fine particles, and ozone are available from the air quality monitoring network for every hour of the day throughout the entire year. "The environmental portal of the Province now allows users to consult the data gathered by all measuring stations, including that at Vipiteno, in real time.

technical staff member in the Air Analysis and Radioprotection Laboratory. “The data recorded by all the measuring stations, now including that of Vipiteno, can be consulted in real time on the environmental portal of the Province.

technical staff member in the Air Analysis and Radioprotection Laboratory. "The environmental portal of the Province now allows users to consult the data gathered by all measuring stations, including that at Vipiteno, in real time.

"The data collected by the station are published in real time on the environment portal and are very helpful both to allow the Agency to carry out the necessary technical assessments on air pollution and to give immediate and concrete answers to the doubts and concerns of citizens and citizens of Vipiteno on the current state of the air," according to the statement.

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