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Piantedosi: Police posts in hospitals and travel prohibited for the violent

violence inside hospitals

In recent days, the images of the clashes on the A1 motorway have raised more than one question Couldn't that road block have been avoided? «The police force did a great job and did everything in their power to avoid much more serious consequences

It was prevented that the two sides of troublemakers come into contact But it was frankly not foreseeable that some of them, arriving in dribs and drabs in private cars, would stop encroaching on the carriageway of a motorway, something that had never happened before»

Still speaking of that episode, some found it difficult to understand the provision that released the people who had been arrested after the events on the motorway within a few hours How did you experience that decision? «I always respect the decisions of the judiciary which, moreover, in this case leave the proceedings against the people who have been involved standing still

In any case, the State Police is working to acquire all the elements to identify the largest number of persons responsible, both for the purposes of the judicial investigation and for the adoption of daspo measures, which will be numerous Precisely on the basis of the analyzes that I received, I issued a decree prohibiting the travel of the two Roma and Napoli fans for two months

I did it in a logic of prevention, to prevent similar episodes from being repeated In general, we will strengthen the assessments also in relation to the risks associated with the movement of the various fans throughout the country"

Alongside the phenomenon of violent supporters there is that of youth gangs In some cases are worlds that dialogue? How to monitor them? «The police forces carry out a commendable job on both sides but it is clear that it is necessary to work at the root of the phenomena, also involving the institutions with more specific functions in the field of discomfort

There are already fruitful experiences in this sense in some cities The law enforcement activity, which remains essential and on which we will not retreat, cannot be based exclusively on repression, it being essential to also promote synergistic actions in terms of prevention"

The rave decree, which has been much discussed, also deals with regulating youth behavior, which in many cities, especially at night, give life to episodes that are described with the neologism of "malamovida": fights, damage, disturbance of public peace What to do? «We are defining the details of a planning of extraordinary checks especially in the main cities

We'll do it in a similar way to the one we started for checks at railway stations In agreement with the mayors, we will also pay attention to the businesses near which these phenomena occur

Youth socialization and entertainment are very positive facts but they must not be to the detriment of public peace and the safety of citizens" Let's talk about the Capital, where the traffic police no longer even have the telematic connection to know who a license plate is registered to

And many of them are returning the gun because the command does not pay for the periodic medical examination Isn't that a contradiction? «I shared with the mayors the opportunity to start a reflection on the reform of the local police system precisely so that they can constitute an increasingly important component of the public safety system

Among the topics that we will deal with there will be precisely that of the maximum sharing of the information contained in the various databases A working group, in which the Anci will also participate, will soon start its own business»

The stabbing of the Israeli girl at the Termini station in Rome is the latest in a long series of episodes of violence which has also affected the station in Milan and other cities It's been an unsolved problem for decades

Will you find a solution? «In the vicinity of the stations, phenomena of marginalization and degradation have been condensing for some time, which have an impact on the safety of citizens In recent days we launched a massive initiative in Rome to implement tight controls which is already giving the first visible results

This initiative, which will continue in the capital, will also be extended immediately to Milan and Naples With the presence and visible and widespread action of the police forces and local police we hope to reassure those who frequent those places and to keep away bad acquaintances"

In the meantime, wouldn't it be appropriate to remove the assistance centers for the disadvantaged from Termini station and other stations, which also become a source of attraction for violent displaced persons? “It is a particularly complex issue: homeless people often prefer to live in station areas precisely for the fear of finding themselves in isolated and less safe places because they are less frequented, especially at night» Minister Piantedosi, there are more and more episodes of violence inside hospitals, fueled by users who lose control for various reasons

What to do? Is the restoration of police posts inside hospitals conceivable? «The white coats - doctors, nurses, technicians - dedicate their lives to a fundamental function such as that of taking care of the health of citizens and they also carry out their work at night We will launch an initiative in the next few days to strengthen or establish police garrisons starting from the most important hospital complexes

Here too we will start from the capital and then we will dedicate ourselves to the other big cities It is a further piece of a general strategy aimed at increasing the presence of the police forces in all places where citizens are most frequented"

What emerges from the news events is a picture of general insecurity You once spoke of the need to "cure" people's fear to prevent this feeling from being exploited

What kind of risk did you think about? «The assessments that are the responsibility of the National Public Safety Authority go beyond the statistical data on crimes which, in reality, especially when compared to other countries such as ours, can sometimes provide elements of reassurance Nonetheless, we must also take charge of the sensations that citizens derive from marginalization and degradation phenomena which contribute to fueling a feeling of insecurity

As Minister of the Interior, I ask myself the problem of always ensuring that the discussion on these issues is objective and balanced, without giving room to misleading interpretations and inappropriate solutions" The number of migrants landed in Italy is still very high

What do you think is the way to keep a humanitarian phenomenon of this kind under control? «This government, starting with President Meloni, immediately clarified that it will develop targeted action on various fronts aimed at governing the phenomenon at its origins Irregular immigration is fought by stopping departures even before landings

It is evident that this is a phenomenon of such complexity that it cannot be solved in a few days But I'm sure we're on the right track to get tangible results as soon as possible

" Turkey, Tunisia, Libya These are the three countries with which the government intends to open diplomatic tables to control the migratory phenomenon

What is your recipe for convincing foreign leaders to cooperate with our government? «Under the coordination of the Prime Minister and in agreement with Minister Tajani, we have planned a tight program of meetings with my counterparts from these countries The relationship with them is necessary to share the action of contrasting human traffickers who leave and transit from these same territories

Just tomorrow I will be in Turkey and to follow, with Minister Tajani, we will go to Tunisia and Libya We want to share intense bilateral cooperation and operational support with these countries to stop departures

At the same time we want to guarantee regular entry channels as an alternative to the trafficking business» How is the relationship with the NGOs going? Are they responding positively to the Italian government's request to apply the rules set out in the rescue procedure? Do they coordinate with the Italian authorities or do they act autonomously? «The first application of our Decree resulted in behavior by the NGOs that complied with the rules we dictated

As a consequence, in recent days the number of people brought by these organizations has decreased without this affecting the rescue machine, which our institutions provide It is proof that the rules work and that as soon as possible they will contribute to reducing the number of irregular arrivals"

What do you say to those who have observed that the assignment of the "safe harbor" for disembarking migrants now always seems to concern cities with centre-left administrations? «It is a childish trivialization of a complex and delicate phenomenon The choice is based on the need to decongest the ports of Sicily and Calabria afflicted by spontaneous arrivals that put the logistical reception structures in those regions in difficulty

I would not like behind certain protests there is the usual bad habit of giving a contradictory reading of the phenomenon by those who are "open-minded" on irregular immigration as long as it does not concern their own city In reality, collaboration with the mayors is very profitable in all cities,

«I always respect the decisions of the judiciary which, moreover, in this case leave the proceedings against the people who have been involved standing still In any case, the State Police is working to acquire all the elements to identify the largest number of persons responsible, both for the purposes of the judicial investigation and for the adoption of daspo measures, which will be numerous Precisely on the basis of the analyzes that I received, I issued a decree prohibiting the travel of the two Roma and Napoli fans for two months I did it in a logic of prevention, to prevent similar episodes from being repeated In general, we will strengthen the assessments also in relation to the risks associated with the movement of the various fans throughout the country" Alongside the phenomenon of violent supporters there is that of youth gangs In some cases are worlds that dialogue?

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