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Lazio Regional Elections The Stake Politics ANSA

successful anti-covid campaign

The fact that the Lazio Region, rather than the Campidoglio, will be up for election on February 12 and 13 makes it simple to say that the challenge is on Rome's waste-to-energy plant. After all, technically speaking, the mayor-commissioner is responsible for the facility. And the stakes are much higher for all competitors than making a decision—even a strategic one—about how to deal with waste, or about hospital waiting lists, work and business support, or about healthcare waste.

The confirmation or the conclusion of a ten-year administrative cycle can be played out in a nerve center on the chessboard in Via Cristoforo Colombo. Or decide on the center-left's future strategy's road map.

alternatively, wear out a friction between the majority of forces, whose shocks can be felt all the way up to Palazzo Chigi. Giorgia Meloni, on the other hand, is Roman and was in charge of proposing the candidate for the position of FdI head.

For Meloni, winning at home—and winning well—is more than just a matter of obligation. A stain would be placed on the head of government, who is already dealing with the excise case, which many believe to be the end of the honeymoon, if they lost, as was the unfortunate case with Enrico Michetti's race for the Capitol, or even if they simply won while out of breath.

With the cumbersome self-candidacy of Fabio Rampelli, the former mentor of "Giorgia," who was also covertly sponsored by FI, and the League leaning more toward a civic so as not to leave too much ground for "ally," choosing a name for the center-right was challenging. Francesco Rocca, a former head of the Red Cross, prevailed by using his heart on the right, extensive knowledge of Lazio's healthcare system, and professional experience with his power centers.

But his civic profile makes him even more comforting than a "colonel" or possibly a party "captain.". Furthermore, because politics abhors a void, Matteo Salvini and Claudio Durigon's League sprang into action to fill the right-hand vacancy.

They are aware that they cannot form the first coalition in the League, so their goal is to consolidate in and around Rome and to at the very least avoid coming in third. The result is that Mauro Antonini, a former regional leader of Casapound who has frequently climbed the Carroccio in recent years, appears on the lists alongside many other Lazio political veterans and was in fact previously pictured alongside Mauro Borghezio.

The image is different and the geometry is variable on the left. Without considering Lombardy in comparison, Lazio cannot be understood.

Pd and M5s cast their votes together there, where the League is in power, whereas in Lazio they jointly govern the Region but run for reelection separately. The Democrats have been in power in the Region for ten years under the leadership of Nicola Zingaretti, who briefly served as both the governor and national secretary.

Even now, there are congressional uncertainties that the party is battling. Alessio D'Amato, a health councilor with the resignation of the commissioner written on his lapels and a successful anti-Covid campaign, is the candidate for continuity.

But Carlo Calenda's Third Pole, who had a good reputation in Rome, also put the chip on D'Amato right away, preventing either them or me from having my pentastellati request approved. Additionally, numerous attempts at negotiation, compromise, ticket offers, and other forms of persuasion have been fruitless.

The "wide field" crashed, and the M5s ultimately deployed the Rai journalist Donatella Bianchi, the face of Linea Blu, taking her with them between the other various historical names of the Roman left that were combined into the "Progressive Pole.". In the event of his victory, D'Amato has made it clear that he wouldn't object to including the grillini in the deal.

However, because there is no ballot in the electoral law, you must win before splitting, which makes it more difficult. Additionally, there is a suspicion that Conte's plan actually entails using Lazio as a test site to determine the extent to which the Movement can erode Democratic Party support.

however also how many he is able to pull out as undecided. An audience that appeals to both: D'Amato was very clear when he said, "We will win again this time, and I am deeply convinced that the Civic list with the uncertain, with those who are dissatisfied with the traditional political forces, will make the difference.".

"We must consider those who choose not to vote.

A stain would be placed on the head of government, who is already dealing with the excise case, which many believe to be the end of the honeymoon, if they lost, as was the unfortunate case with Enrico Michetti's race for the Capitol, or even if they simply won while out of breath.

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